Comments for I want to report a site that ripped me off - Stub Hub

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Mar 24, 2010
stub hub .. take another buck
by: Anonymous

It figures that ebay owns them.. although i like ebay a lot actually, there are some real scum bags there as well.

And also some very reputable folks with some great products.

In your inquiry you mention "tickets that don't exist"or something like that. This is exactly what happened. See, I listed tickets that I did NOT even have yet. I have since learned that most sites do not let you list anything until you have it in hand. This is why. Stub Hub has not learned that in order to give GOOD customer satisfaction .. you must practice policies that produce reliability and accuracy. I am the "average seller" someone who couldn't make the game Id bought tickets for and so I wanted to sell them. I am not an agent or a pro at this.. therefore I rely upon Stub Hub and places like this .. (ISN'T that what the commission is for)??? to direct me in what I am trying to accomplish! Since they let you sell what you don't even have, and they have all different sorts of menus to change statuses on your tickets etc to accommodate for this deficiency.. I listed the section Id been told and then later had to change it. So therefore stub hub had four buyers that could not get what they had paid for and they were probably mad. Stub hub made them happy somehow at my expense and wrote it off as just another sale.

So that's fine. I will feel compensated when stub hub has been treated like I have and lost hours of valuable time from this endeavor like I have and in addition also lost 100,000 or more for lying about their inability to sell the original buyers comparable tickets. They are the "experts" and therefore liable to the buyer and the seller. It is not reasonable to assume that when the money changes hands that they are the only ones in the position to take it all .. No sir.. that stinks. Therefore their liability is much higher. I happen to know that the buyers got new tickets better than the ones I originally sold and for a cheaper price because I looked them up from the shipping label Id already printed and called directory assistance and got their phone number and talked with them. They were completely satisfied and I should not have been charged anything from what stub hub claims. that I would have to make up the difference.. what about when there is a difference in my favor?

So this is where they lie and cheat, and think they get away with it because they tell you to not contact the buyers etc.. much of that anonymity is merely to hide their cheating and under the table tricks while they steal you blind.

So this is why this business should be shut down and anyone else that steals from people in the line of normal business. It is a rather difficult time economically and it makes everything much tougher when you can't trust people to do what they say they will do or deliver.

I will show no mercy for this company or any other like them. The time is now to straighten up or get out of business.

Dian Sanderson

Mar 24, 2010
Stub Hub and their business practices
by: Anonymous

Here's the deal with Stub Hub .. I had purchased tickets from my work and they told me they would be in section 123. I listed them that way and sold all four. Then I received the tickets and they were in section 112. I called stub hub and explained the situation. They (she) rather told me that they would contact the clients and see if that was okay with them and if not I would possibly be charged a nominal fee for re-listing, she mentioned that I may be charged for shipping and handling actually or the price difference between what the people had to pay to get comparable tickets if there was one between what I'd sold and didn't have and what they actually ended up getting. So in my mind that was maybe 30 dollars or so.

In the meanwhile I had several offers.. I am still getting them and I could have actually made my 250 back that I paid for them plus some. BUT I chose to re-list with stub hub and accepted their confirmation when they resold them in case I did owe them any money for my mistake. So then they tell me that their commission is 42 dollars on those tickets then in a separate email they tell me that they are taking 220 from my 238 that they were supposed to send which was the entire amount that my tickets sold for or 280 .. minus the 42 commission ,, then minus 220 for them having to find comparable tickets which is pure garbage. I know on my life that they were able to find comparable tickets that same day, in fact mine were comparable only on the opposite side of the court.. however they were farther back and I was willing to accept some loss for my mistake .. but to steal the entire sale from me is thievery and crooked business dealing. They are crooks and should not be in business, If they are opposed to selling tickets before the seller has them in hand then they should state this in their policies upfront. No where do they ever say that you will be penalized so heavily for not having the tickets that you sell in the event that you do not actually get them. They say that the difference may be charged or that if they cannot find "comparable" tickets then the difference will be charged. I am not going to accept that the difference to them was 220 when the entire sale was less than 300. Sorry ,, they are lying.

So that is what happened and I am sure that others have been screwed the same way. I am a fair person and I do not treat people this way and I am no longer tolerating any kind of treatment like this no matter how big or small the amount is.. I am simply fed up with stealing and crooked policies and this type of behavior can not be tolerated anymore. If I have to I will put these people out of business for good by advertising their poor business practices. This is my intention and I will be successful if it takes me a year or more.

Thank you
Dian Sanderson

Mar 24, 2010

Hi Dian, thanks for your heads up on this.

We did some checking and it seems that things changed a lot when eBay bought the company a couple of years ago. The biggest problem appears to be people buying counterfeit tickets with no recourse - lots of reports of customer service hassles.

If anybody from StubHub wants to refute the info and weigh in with their side, you're welcome to.

In the meantime, my opinion is to avoid buying or selling with StubHub.

Mar 24, 2010
Stub Hub Ripoff
by: Mike and Sandy Schneider

Hi Dian and group,

We're with you. We sold and they took I think 12% from what we sold the tickets for, that seemed fair.

Well, I went on to buy some Detroit Tiger Tickets, they had some at $5-$7 apiece, great deal right?? Well, after I selected "view details", it was revealed that the tix were indeed $5 but Stubhub (not a regular schmo seller) was tacking on a $15 charge to PICK THEM UP at stubhubs Detroit office.

Interesting that the seller pays the "processing cost" when you're a joe schmo but Stubhub passes it on to you and puts bogus ticket prices up when they're selling them.

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